Details pursuant tosection 5 para. 1 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz - TMG) Service provider:
Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Medienproduktionsges. mbH & Co. KGaA
Lilienthalallee 7
D-80807 Munich
Telefon +49 89 958434-0
Fax +49 89 958434-99
Komplementär: Fischer Medienproduktionsges. mbH
Geschäftsführer des Komplementärs: Guy Fischer
Vorsitzender des AR: Oliver Hofkirchner
Zuständiges Handelsregister und HRB-Nummer: Amtsgericht München, HRB 283580
Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Herr Guy Fischer
Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Medienproduktionsges. mbH & Co. KGaA
Lilienthalallee 7
80807 München
Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Medienproduktionsges. mbH & Co. KGaA (hereinafter “FKC”) accepts no liability for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the information on the website. FKC’s internet pages may contain links to websites operated by third parties. The providers of those websites have sole responsibility for their content. At the time of including the link, FKC has not found any illegal content on the sites to be linked to. FKC has no influence over the content referenced by the linked pages and therefore has no responsibility for it.
Rights of use
All brands and trademarks named on this website are the exclusive property of their respective owners. The rights to use and exploit the copyright to the design and content of the website, in whole or in part, are held exclusively by FKC. Any reproduction or use, including in part, in breach of copyright of graphics, audio documents, video sequences and text will be legally pursued by FKC.
FKC companies and locations
Munich: Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Medienproduktionsges. mbH & Co. KGaA
Basel: FKC Schweiz AG
Frankfurt: Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Medienproduktionsgesellschaft (FFM) mbH
Bratislava: Easy-Training a Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Company s.r.o.
Berlin: Fischer, Knoblauch & Co. Medienproduktionsgesellschaft (Berlin) mbH
Sarajevo: Fischer, Knoblauch & Co d.o.o.
Guy Fischer
Company registered office
Lilienthalallee 7
80807 Munich
+49 8995843410
Local Court: Munich
HRB 115136
VAT-ID: DE 184171848
Directors FFM
Peter Weißer
Company registered office
Louisenstr. 68
61348 Bad Homburg
+49 61726809617
Registered Court: Bad Homburg v.d.H.
HRB 4745
VAT-ID: DE 151790333
Dr. Barbara Dörner Kernen
Company registered office
Burgfelderstrasse 209
CH 4055 Basel
Commercial Register Office of the Canton Basel-City
Company number: / VAT-ID: CHE-112.584.235
Jörg Weyers
Director with power of attorney
Karol Taubinger
Company registered office
Mlynské nivy 48
821 09 Bratislava
District Court Bratislava
IČO 35 918 799
USt-Id: SK2021985889
Reinhold Frenz
Sitz der Gesellschaft
Heylstraße 33
10825 Berlin
Commercial Register Berlin-Charlottenburg 73855
VAT-ID: DE812909449
Guy Fischer
Company registered office
Bulevar Meše Selimovića 81A
71000, Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
ID no: 4202810220003